"Still Flight," 2013, 16"w x 16"h x 4.5"d
"Rush Hour," 2011, 52"w x 30"h x 1.5"d
Forest for Trees, 2013, 30”w x 15”h x 4.5”d
"Rope Drawing," 2019, 18"w x 25"h
"Vase," 2016, 5"w x 7"h x 3"d
"Calling Crows," 2010, 36”w x 13”h x 3.5”d
"Crow and Bowls II," 2019, 25"w x 33"d
"On the Rocks cups," 2016, 9”w x 6.5”h x 3”d
"Rusty Brush," 2019, 15"w x 22"h