Same Voice Different Song
CRAFT Gallery,
Rockland, Maine,
September 2013
I recently heard a quote from an unknown source (perhaps Woody Allen, said a friend) that gave succinct form to a thought I have long held about the nature of art. “Art is giving expression to perception”. It’s really rather simple.
Other than its brevity, what I find compelling about this quote is that it includes the artist in the idea of art. Art insists on the existence of a maker, not just someone who makes something, but someone who perceives the world in a certain way and expresses that personal perception through his or her work, making it accessible (or not) to others.
I have found myself in the past couple of years with the need to change the expression of my perceptions. Thirty-five years of working in fiber, mostly basketry, had left me spent. I focused on drawing and then found clay and have spent time exploring their possibilities for new expressions.
And so you see in this work new materials and processes. But I hope that you will still see what I see, hear what I hear. Same voice, different song.